Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I wanna have time to

read a good book, or a couple books this summer. The thought just sounds so relaxing.

& This would probably be so opposite from reading, but I want me a summerboy, or maybe not just for the summer, LOL :) I've decided I'm ready for a boyfriend. I'm done with all the underprivileged guys that come my way. I want someone to prove me wrong. I want that gentleman w/ a bit of edge :))) I want someone that could tolerate me and love me for ME. I just want that reaaaal thaaangg.

As for YOU.
I'm not willing to sell myself short anymore. It's not worth it. I'm so much better that that, and I really don't know why i even agreed to it. I take it back. In the end we both know it'll make things worse for me, and you're just in it for the ride. You have someone else, don't make me feel like the other girl. I don't know why I keep wanting you when all I am to you is a girl from the past who you replaced. I wish you could just disappear from my life cos I just keep getting hurt. But I know better now and I'm doing this to save myself from the pain you'll put me through again. I hate the fact that my feelings keep coming back every time I see you. So the solution is, I won't see you anymore, ever. You're the past, and that's where you belong. Just like how you replaced me, I'm willing to replacing you. Goodbye for the last time, and this time, I mean I'm not coming back.

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